Day Services Safety Plan

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Early Intervention

Since young children learn and develop differently, parents do not always know exactly when they may actually begin to need some outside intervention expertise in working with their child who may have developmental delay or disability. Asking for help is therefore the crucial first step if a parent is unsure of the growth patterns and development of their child.

Early intervention is designed to give parents a helping hand at the earliest stage possible.

Early Intervention means that the family works with a team of professionals early enough to begin the training and teaching process before a child reaches school age. The child has a “jump start” on developing an understanding of their surrounding, developing various methods of communication and self expression, and developing self-esteem.

Eligible infants and toddlers with developmental delay or disabilities can receive hearing and vision screening; speech, physical and, occupational other therapies; family counseling; and home visits. The entire family benefits from the positive strategies that are developed for addressing developmental delays.