Day Services Safety Plan

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ICF/IRA Group Homes

At this time, Hamaspik operates 16 group residences known as IRAs (Individual Residential Alternatives) and one of them a more medically-intense setting known as ICF (Intermediate Care Facility). The people being served are from Hasidic and Orthodox Jewish cultural backgrounds who speak primarily Yiddish. Each individual in these residences is developmentally disabled and enrolled in the OMRDD system meeting specific level of care for Medicaid eligibility. Secondary limitations include physical impairments and challenging behaviors. 

All Hamaspik IRAs consist of living arrangements specifically suited for the residents, which includes renovations for handicapping conditions and other specialized modifications. Services and supports is developed for each resident on an individualized basis.

The personal needs, preferences and abilities of the person living in each IRA is the dominant factor of each individual’s service module. The supervisor of this program together with each resident’s service coordinator, in conjunction with the consumer and advocate, forms a plan of how to help the individual attain and most independent lifestyles. These services includes residential habilitation, environmental modifications and adaptive technologies. 

The outcome of this endeavor is to provide a normal residential setting that will meet their physical, social, emotional, religious and cultural needs. In addition all services and supports is “consumer driven” and developed on an individual basis. 

The service coordinator in conjunction with the consumer and advocate constantly assess the adequacy of services and insure the quality to the extent that it maximizes each resident’s independence within the confines of their limitations.